mercoledì 14 maggio 2008

Something about my final ICC Assessment

I have to introduce the compilation of my ICC Assessment by saying that as I initially belonged to the Padova-Poznan group I haven't got the possibility to develop a real Skype Exchange with our American peers. Although for the last month we had the possibility to talk with a Dickinsons student I could't took the chance, because I had problems with the timetable. I don't want to blame anyone, but me. It would be surely a great experience! Anyway I have to admit I learned something, because every week during our Monday class the peer of my group who was doing the Skpe Exchange with the American girl, always told us something about their conversation and partly because we tried to have a written corrispondence, by writing mail to each others in order to complete our wiki page.

I think that learning and of course talking with someone who lives in a different country is always an experience that gives you much that you would expect. It's obvious we, as Italians, have an opinion on how American people are and of course for them it's the same, but by confronting with American students we actually had the possibility to clarify some commonplaces. We analysed diffent aspects of the two cultures throughout this year and I think talking about topics such as immigration, health care system and elections was an interesting way in order to criticize our own culture, but to appreciate it as well.

I'm sure this exchange experience helped us revaluating the idea we all had on American people. It's true that all we know about them is what we see in Tv, thanks to the typical American drama series which presents a distorting representation of what they really are. Talking and comparing each other, I discovered we, as Italians, have too many commonplaces about Americans, and viceversa, obviously. But this experience helped me changing my mind!