domenica 16 marzo 2008

How do they look at us..!?

This kind of work is making me realizing how many things happen every day at every hour. The online papers are very well organized. They are updated every minute, if something interesting happens. Whereas you have to wait till the 8 p.m. news broadcast in order to know whether something new happens during the day, while in the net everything is written and updated very quickly. You can find news about everything and above all you have the possibility to go back and read the previous newspapers, because almost every on line newspaper has a sort of appendix.

I surfed the net for nearly two hours. The number of things and articles to look at is really huge and enormous. Due to the fact that in this last period a lot of countries are busy with elections’ time starting from the largely gossip-elections in France to the more mummified Italian ones and the great-nation-party American ones, every newspaper or broadcast has always more and more to say about them. Online newspapers have come to the point to create some distinguished sections, dedicated to everything which concerns the different elections.

I briefly had a look at some Spanish newspaper as well. I have to admit they don’t give enough importance to all this kind of stuff. As a European country they prefer to concentrate in other topics giving only a few short news. I read something on the web site of El País, the left-oriented newspaper of the country, and it’s obvious to see how the journalists sympathize for Veltroni. I noticed how they describe Veltroni’s conventions and ways he behaves, comparing them to Obama’s. This made me really start laughing. If only it were true! As far as the Spanish opinion is concerned about the American elections, I saw the interest was concentrated on scandals, blunders and gossips. It’s true how Spanish people love this kind of information.

Italian online newspapers are well organized owning each a section dedicated both to Italian elections and American one. I appreciated the fact that they all inserted a sort of glossary where they explain how the American elections’ system works, in order to make it comprehensible to everyone. You can finally find also funny sections, as the one of La Repubblica full of retouched images of different parties’ billboards. As we live in a democratic country it’s obvious to notice how the right oriented newspaper, as Il Giornale, supports Berlusconi’s opinions and ideas without forgetting to attack the rival side, whereas the left oriented ones, as La Repubblica loves flaunting Berlusconi’s last blunder or bad comments.

As far as the American online newspapers are concerned, I noticed how they give little room to other countries' elections. Surfing on the New York Times website I found only a few articles on Italian elections and politicians. I'm sure they are too busy with all their affairs, they don't give importance to other. Too many scandals and news to write about, they don't have time to look deeply at what other countries deal with.

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