photo by undertakergonzalez
Here again talking about what the net offers to lazy users! As a matter of fact the aim of social bookmarking is to filter useful websites for those users who don’t have enough time, patience or will to search what they need and what they are looking for by themselves. Once you logged in you can have access to series and lists of suggested websites on the topic you’re interested in, filtered for you by diligent students. But my questions are: who does make me sure that the websites the users suggest are really the most interesting and that there aren’t others more relevant in the whole net, and they don’t appear in the list? Who does assure me that the people who suggest the websites are really reliable, in the sense that they could find the most catching website about that specific topic?
I wonder whether you have notice how skeptical I am about internet and its users. I hope having the possibility to change my opinion during this “bloggingenglish” year. I don’t believe that sharing is always the best way to produce something. I mean that if you have to do a research or a tesis (such as that we are supposed to be preparing for our final graduation!) on a specific topic, it could be better for you to search, read and analyze all the material by yourself, seeing what you need, what you don’t need and what you could put in it but only in the end if you have time and there’s space for it. I think that leaning against these new technologies deprive us of this fundamental part of the research, besides our critical attitude.
I know Sarah suggested us to get familiar with social bookmarking because they can make our job easier and in fact they actually permit this, because instead of wasting time by searching in Google or wherever, we can trust in the help the other users give us with their suggestions and pieces of advice. I admit to have been taken the suggestion in a far too negative way, but I want to reaffirm my motto: “Don’t leave room to laziness!”.
As far as the websites suggested by my peers I find relevant the following:
- among those suggested by Stefania I found that of the BBC really useful. Every time I try to read an English or an American newspaper or to watch Tv-news, I have big problems in order to understand everything. In this site there is a section where you have the possibility to learn the meaning of the scientific and professional words journalists use throughout their articles and interviews.
- among those suggested by Alessia I think the websites about the most common mistakes in English is helpful for an Italian girl like me who wants to delete everything could demonstrate she's Italian. When Sarah corrects our texts, she always finds more or less the same typical mistakes of Italian people studying English. I hope this websites will help me to improve my lackness!
- among those suggested by Roberta I appreciate that on punctuation. As a matter of fact punctuation in English is another big problem for Italian students. For example we don't quite know how to use semi-colon, or when we write informal we tend to excess in the use of dots. This website provides rules and examples in order to understand better how to use them.
- among those suggested by Caterina I like that on intonation. It's true that unfotunately is very difficult for everyone to leave his/her particular accent, but I hope we can do something to improve it just by following some useful rules and by practicing. This website allows you to listen to a mothertongue reading some words, so that you can learn the pronounciation and the word stress patterns.
- among those suggested by Marta I found really interesting those on English literature. I'm so fond of literature that I immediately started surfing them, searching for my favourite authors and reading some pieces of their novels. I'm absolutely convinced that studying the culture of England means learning and analizing its history and its literature!
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